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MonFest 2022 Fotografia - Gabriele Basilico (English Version)

From March 25 to June 12 2022
The castle of Monferrato (piazza Castello)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10AM to 01PM and from 03PM to 07PM
Free entry

Gabriele Basilico nel Monferrato (Gabriele Basilico in Monferrato)
edited by Andrea Elia Zanini

In 2006 Gabriele Basilico creates, specifically for the exhibition “Monferrato, terra senza confini” (Monferrato, land without borders), a photography project about the Monferrato region. Following the path along the Po river and its affluents, he photographs Alessandria, Ovada, Tortona, Casale Monferrato, Acqui Terme, Novi Ligure. It is a slow journey, quiet and made with the usual “documentary-style language” that opens a dialogue between, as it is common for the artist, landscapes, noble buildings and timeless architecture. A selection of his pieces, among ones of other photographers, will be published in the same year in the volume by the same name, while others would remain unseen and, only after an extensive research in the archives, would become part of the exhibition. Basilico's investigation on the lands touched by the Po river does not stop in 2006. In 2009, as a matter of fact, he makes for the IL magazine, supplementary of Il sole 24 Ore, a project that considers reclaiming the places of the Po river already investigated from the 1950s by Pietro Donzelli. Main characters of these photographs are the Polesine region and its rivers, the rural architectures and the wide landscapes of the Po delta, that ends its journey in the Adriatico Sea. In the exhibition there is also the original selection in color chosen by the author himself, enriched by never-before-seen photographs, that concludes the journey in Monferrato started in black and white a few years before.


  • Biography

    Gabriele Basilico (Milan, 1944-2013). After getting a degree in Architecture (1973), Gabriele Basilico consistently devotes himself to photography. The shapes and identities of different cities and the changes happening in the urban landscape have been his favourite research environment ever since his debut. “Milano. Ritratti di fabbriche” (Milan, portraits of factories) (1978-80) is his first work dedicated to the industrial suburbs and corresponds to his first museum exhibition (1983, Contemporary Art Pavilion, Milan). In 1984 he is invited to partecipate in the Mission Photographique de la DATAR, wanted by the French government, to documents the coasts of northern France. In 1991 he takes part in another photographic mission in Beirut, after the end of a war that lasted over fifteen years. Gabriele Basilico has made many documentary reports about cities in Italy and abroad, and produced a number of personal exhibitions and books. Deemed an undisputed expert of contemporary photography, he has had exhibitions in many countries and received numerous awards and prizes. He has also intertwined his tireless interest for the changes in urban landscapes with seminars, lectures, conferences and written observations. His works are part of the most important international art collections, both public and private.


  • Photogallery

Ultima Modifica: 25 Marzo 2022