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MonFest 2022 Fotografia - Silvia Caporesi

From March 25 to June 12 2022
Accademia Filarmonica - Gozzani di Treville Palace (via Mameli,29)
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10AM to 01PM and from 03PM to 07PM
Free entry

Domestica (Domestic)
Winner of the Soroptimist Award “Storie di Donne”, First Edition

edited by Benedetta Donato

In this exhibition, we access the personal and fantastical sphere shown by the artist, as a diary of people's everyday family routine during a period of confinement and isolation.
Moments come one after the other slowly and with suspended timing, where the rhythm is punctuated by visual fragments, that are able to give shape to thoughts while trying to make sense of something that does not actually have any.
The house transforms into a place where reality hides many small details, new treasures to discover, games to invent. A broken dish becomes a sinuous line, locks of hair spill onto the floor to draw faces; every object and every gesture assume a different meaning, searching for a new balance.
An immersive and extraordinary journey into that “stream of consciousness” - as the author has described this work – to become familiar with a new concept of family habitat, to redefine oneself in it  and give a new value to it.
The narration depicted in Domestica (Domestic) is the tale of changing oneself and the surrounding environment, by establishing a new balance, necessary to confront a complex present and create future harmony.
Other stories match this visual and existential diary, as if to define a new understanding made up only by looks, that actually turns out to be a proportionate correspondence between different, yet so close, stories of women.


  • Biography

    Silvia Camporesi (1973), graduated in Philosophy, has dedicated the last few years to research the Italian landscape. From 2004 she has staged the following personal exhibitions in Italy: Dance dance dance (MAR in Ravenna, 2007); Planasia ( Festival of European Photography in Reggio Emilia, 2014); Genius Loci (MAC in Lissone, 2017). Among the personal exhibitions outside of Italy, some worth mentioning are: À perte de vue (Chambre Blanche, Quebec, 2011); Atlas Italiae (Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxemburg, 2015; Art Musing, Mumbai, 2017; Desfours Palace, Prague, 2018). 

    Amongst the collective exhibitions, she has been involved in: Con gli occhi, con la testa, col cuore (With eyes, heaad and hearts) (MART in Rovereto, 2012); Italia inside out (Palazzo della Ragione, Milan, 2015); Extraordinary visions (MAXXI, Roma, 2016; Kolkata Centre, Calcutta, 2019); The Quest for Happiness (Serlachius Museum, Mänttä, Finland, 2019-2020); Italia in-attesa. Dodici racconti fotografici (Italy in waiting, twelve photographic stories) (Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 2021). In 2007 she won the Celeste Award for Photography; in 2010, the Terna Award. She won the Francesco Fabbri Award for Photography in 2013, and the Rotary di Artefiera Award in 2015, the BNL Award in 2016 and the Cantica21 Award in 2021. She has published seven books, pursuing her artistic endeavours while teaching. Her works are part of public and private collections, like: MAXXI, Rome; Farnesina Collection, Rome; MART, Rovereto; MAC Lissone, Gruppo BNL, Milan.

    Special mention for the project dedicated to Casale Monferrato
    Daniela Berruti. Una storia d’amore (A love story)

    Special mention for the finalists
    Anne Conway, Isabella De Maddalena, Isabella Franceschini, Patrizia Galliano, Antonella Monzoni

  • Photogallery

Ultima Modifica: 25 Marzo 2022