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MonFest 2022 Fotografia - Silvio Canini (English Version)

From March 25 to June 12 2022
The castle of Monferrato (piazza Castello)
Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10AM to 01PM and from 03PM to 07PM
Free entry

Il mondo di Silvio Canini (The world of Silvio Canini)
edited by Elena Ceratti

Silvio Canini is a multifaceted author that observes the territory and its people with a piercing eye, empathetic but often ironic. His region is the Romagna seaside and his love is for the sea. Mare di Silenzio (Sea of Silence) shows the sea during the winter season. The white light of the snowed-in beach, a silent and poetic view, an invitation to immerse in more profound reflections. Canini's view describes intensity, as it takes back places with emotional involvement and feeling, gifting us with moments of magic solitude. 
On the other hand, he has a quite different way to show the same places during the summer months, crowds of turists and a very crammed seaside, charming but packed with people. With much amusement and lightheartedly, but very different from the sarcastic notes of Martin Parr, the region is displayed in the serie Venditori d'ombra (Shade Sellers) . Colorful and loud tourists on the Rimini beaches in their typical summer holidays attire. Fueling the creativity of the artist, the people and society of our time are an unexstinguishable point of view from which to find inspiration and ideas, not only for photographs. The alchemy of his specific way of telling stories can transfer through videos, in genius projects like Edicola Canini (Canini's newsstand), installations like La polvere esausta dei "Millennials" (The tired dust of Millennials) or still La oTo , about bike-shaped sculptures, built on the notes of his childhood fantasies. An artistic world that welcomes us with his carefree fantasy. 


  • Biography

    Silvio Canini lives and works in Bellaria – Igea Marina. Versatile artist, in 1998 he publishes "We are Open" edited by Aiep publishing. In 2000 he publishes "Periferie Cangianti" (Iridescent Suburbs) , a report on the territory of Bellaria Igea Marina, in collaboration with local photographer friends. Venditori d'Ombra (Shade Sellers), published in 2002, shows the beaches in the Rimini province in an original way. Mare del Silenzio (Sea of Silence), a work of 2005, is a piece in which dreamlike landscapes share the stage with abstract shapes. Winner of many awards, this project has been published in February of 2006 in the supplement "ventiquattro" (twentyfour) of the newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore". His works have been shown in Italy and abroad. Among the many awards he has received, there is the honorable mention at the 24th Biennale Photos Monochrome in China and the XX International Guglielmo Marconi award for electronic art. His art efficiently explores videos, gaining recognition at the Bellaria Film Festival. Since 2008 he is the owner of the "36° spazio" gallery in Bellaria. In 2013 he publishes "che donne le donne" (The kind of woman that is a grandmother) an anthropological work, in which he invents the Canini figurines, a parody of the notorious Panini figurines. In 2014 he has an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary art in Omsk, Russia. In 2014, he is Fiaf's author of the year. In 2016 he publishes a new book edited by Danilo Montanari, “Cosa cerchi il mare?” (Why are you looking for the sea?). In 2020 he publishes Alieni Maledetti (Cursed Aliens) edited by Postcart, with text by Carlo Negri and afterword by Michele Smargiassi.

  • Photogallery

Ultima Modifica: 25 Marzo 2022