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Civic Museum - Info and News

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Museo Civico

Supervisor: Sara Marchetti
Coordinator: Elena Varvelli
Ex Convento di Santa Croce
Via Cavour, 5
phone: 0142444309 – fax: 0142444312
Reception: Via Cavour – phone 0142444249

autoritratto di nicolò musso

Visiting hours: 
Thursday from 08:30am to 12:30pm and from 02:30pm to 04:30pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and national holidays from 10:30am to 13:00pm and from 03:00pm to 06:30pm

The recently acquired Bistolfi collection is accessible, without reservations, at the following fixed times:
- Saturday and Sunday at 11:00am, 12:00pm, 16:00pm and 17:00pm.
Exhibition admission is included in the Museum ticket price.

The Museum is closed on:
- the afternoon of the 24th and 31st of December
- all day on the 25th of December and on January 1st

Following government's guidelines, visitors can access the Museum by complying with current regulations (available at the link here).


From the 15th of December 2018 it is possible to visit the Carlo Vidua: una vita in viaggio dal Monferrato all’estremo Oriente(1785-1830) exhibition.
More information here (IT version)

From the 22nd of April 2017 the Paliotto (Tapestry) Circoncisione di Cristo is on display as part of the exhibit.
More information here (IT version)

autoritratto di nicolò musso

Ticket prices:
Admission tickets
    • Regular 5.50 €   
    • Reduced: 3.90 €
The following are eligible for reduced-entry tickets :
    • Students younger than 29 years old
    • People over 60 years old
    • Members of previously affiliated cultural organizations such as Touring Club Italiano, Italia Nostra, Soci Coop, Unicredit, Itur/Monregaltour
    • Reduced for Groups: 2.80 €
Available for groups over 10 people and in case of initiatives such as Festa dei Musei, Giornate Europee del Patrimonio e Famiglie al Museo
    • Free Entry available to:   
    • Children younger than 16 years old (without the school workshop activities)
    • Guided visits for public schools located within the municipality of the city of Casale
    • People with disabilities and their chaperon
    • Journalists
    • In case of the inauguration of new exhibitions
    • Members of the Amici del Museo e Orizzonte Casale associations
    • Members of Tessera Abbonamento Musei (The Museum is an authorized membership seller), Members of Tessera MOMU Monferrato Musei 
    • In case of special occasions such as Notte Bianca, Notte Rosa, Compleanno Museo.
    • Every month on the 2nd weekend during the Casale Città Aperta events (only Sunday in August)

    • School visits: 2.80 € for each student, free entry for the chaperone teachers   
    • School workshops: 5.40 € for each student, free entry for the chaperone teachers
    • Specific learning workshops – “Un giorno al Museo” : 7.60 € for each student, free entry for teachers

    • Groups (visit with a guide) : 5.50 € for each person / 10-25 people 56.00 € / 26-50 people 112.00 €


Bookshop and Services:

The following items are available for purchase:
    • publications printed by Comune di Casale Monferrato
    • posters : 3.30 €
    • flyers: 2.20 €
    • postcards: 1.10 €
    • learning booklets: 1.10 €

Some of the catalogues previously published by the Museum are sold out at the moment.
Considering the visitors’ requests, we are currently in the process of scanning the material to keep it available as part of the Library resources. Access here (IT version) to browse all currently available catalogues.

Rates/Fees for the photographic reproduction of the art pieces
    • Images already available in the archives: 17.90 €
    • New prints: 61.40 for each image
    • Students of every school, grade and age are not subject to the payments of the rights to reproduce the images available in the archive.

Membership Abbonamento Musei
In the ticket office at the entrance of the Museum it is possible to purchase the Abbonamento Musei membership card.

logo nati per la culturala sala family friendly

Family Friendly Space
A discreet area designated for new mothers and their babies where they can change, nurse and breastfeed surrounded by quiet and comfort.



  • Guided tours to the collections of Pinacoteca and Gipsoteca Leonardo Bistolfi
  • Guided tours for groups and different themes, available in different languages ( only with prior reservation)
  • Sale of catalogues and gadgets. Visitors have access to free informational material about the Museum, the city of Casale and the MoMu (IT version) network of museums
  • Specific learning activities with different itineraries and workshops depending on grade and age
  • Special openings for groups with reservations
  • Special evening openings during particular events such as Notte Bianca and Notte Rosa
  • Conferences, book presentations, cultural initiatives and concerts organized by the Assessorato della Cultura

News (IT version)

  1. Visita guidata alle nuove acquisizioni bistolfiane

    Domenica 28 aprile ore 11 al Museo Civico

  2. Campagna digitalizzazione delle opere di Leonardo Bistolfi

    Iniziativa realizzata grazie al Bando Esponente promosso da Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino

  3. Leonardo Bistolfi e la fortuna della Croce Brayda

    Sabato 13 maggio ore 16.00 al Museo Civico


  4. Museo: dal 18 nuovi laboratori per adulti

    1° appuntamento dedicato alla doratura nell’arte


  5. Museo Civico e Gipsoteca Bistolfi:

     tornano le attività didattiche dedicate alle scuole



Ultima Modifica: 29 Dicembre 2022